media pembelajaran, chat gpt, kecerdasan buatanAbstract
Mastery of technology in the field of education is crucial in this digital era, especially to improve the quality of learning and student outcomes as preparation for the future. One of the reasons why SDN Bojonggede 03 struggles to enhance students' knowledge is that teachers do not always master the latest technology. Therefore, to improve teachers' competencies, training in the development of learning materials and modules based on artificial intelligence (AI) is necessary. The aim of this course is to help teachers become more skilled in creating engaging, creative, and student-centered learning modules. The techniques used in this training include socialization, instruction, implementation support, and assessment. Teachers are trained to create AI-based teaching modules, such as ChatGPT, which can be utilized in daily learning activities. They are also trained to develop learning materials supported by artificial intelligence, which helps students understand the concepts being taught.Based on the training results, teachers' understanding and proficiency in using AI technology to create learning materials have significantly improved. To enhance learning, educators have been able to develop lesson plans and educational resources by leveraging AI technology. Teachers have also greatly benefited from this training in terms of their ability to create learning materials and manage their administrative tasks effectively. To improve students' knowledge, ultimately leading to higher education standards, it has been proven that enhancing teachers' competencies through technology-based training, such as artificial intelligence, is essential.